Friday, May 15, 2020

Character Analysis Of Mice And Men - 910 Words

John Steinbeck sets the scene of his novella, Of Mice and Men, in the Salinas River Valley, a few miles south of Soledad. The time period of the novella is the 1930’s during the Great Depression. The Great Depression began in 1929 after the U.S. had a major financial crisis. People lost all of their money and their homes when the stock market crashed. Many men became migrant farm workers who would travel from farm to farm, working for just enough money for food and a few belongings. John Steinbeck grew up in the Salinas River Valley during the Depression. In his novella, of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses the characters Candy, Curley’s wife, and Crooks to prove people will do anything to stop being lonely. To begin, Steinbeck uses the†¦show more content†¦Candy shows people will do anything to not be lonely. Furthermore, Steinbeck uses Curley’s wife to show how people will do anything to not be lonely. Even though Curley’s wife is married, she flirts with the other men on the farm. Curley is a boxer and wears expensive clothes. His father is the boss on the farm and has a lot of money. Curley’s wife tries to talk to the boys but they don’t trust her. She says, â€Å"Why can’t I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely† (Steinbeck 86). This quote shows that no one ever tries or wants to talk to her. Curley’s wife complains to Lennie about how lonely she is and that she just wants to talk to people. As the book continues, she explains to Lennie why she never gets to talk to anyone. She says, â€Å"You can talk to people, but I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad† (Steinbeck 87). This quote shows that Curley is very controlling over his wife and only lets her talk to him. Curley’s wife talks to Lennie even though he is very intimidating. She is desperate to talk to anyone so she flirts with Lennie and the other men to get their attention. Lastly, Steinbeck uses Crooks to show the things people are willing to do to not be lonely. Crooks is the black crippled stable buck who works on the farm. He is the only black man for miles and has no one to talk with, or to be his friend. Crooks tells Lennie, â€Å"A guy needs somebody - to be near him . . . A guy goes nuts if heShow MoreRelatedOf Mice And Men : Character Analysis1742 Words   |  7 PagesOf Mice and Men: Character Analysis John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. was an American author wrote many novels including one of his most famous, Of Mice and Men. Of Mice and Men teaches many lessons about the nature of human existence. Each relationship grows throughout this short story and end with a dramatic experience. All of the characters, including Lennie, George, Crooks, and Curley’s wife, admit, at one time or another, to having a profound sense of isolation, seclusion and loneliness. 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